# Private GitHub Repository
The following guide discusses how to use a private GitHub repository with Katacoda. Private GitHub Repositories enable you to work privately within GitHub without external users being able to see changes made and the underlying source code to your scenarios.
When the content is pushed to Katacoda, by default the content will be public and accessible to everyone. If you wish the content to also be private on Katacoda, please contact support.
If you haven't already done so ensure your Katacoda Profile has been created.
# Step 1 - Mark Repository As Private
In your Katacoda Profile settings, select the option to indicate the Git Repository is private and save your profile changes. This will generate you a unique Git Deploy Key can enables Katacoda to have read-only access to the private repository.
Copy this deploy key to your clipboard for use in the next step.
# Step 2 - Add GitHub Deploy Key
Within GitHub, go to the Deploy Key settings of the target private repository you wish to use. Add a new key and paste in the key from your Katacoda profile. The title is not important, we suggest you use a friendly name for future reference.
# Step 3 - Confirmation
Once added, you should see the key appear in your GitHub settings.
Katacoda will now be able to access your private GitHub repository and future content changes.